tommy´s portfolio | hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and others are totally free and just to entertain myself.

hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and o…

Source: tommy´s portfolio | hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and others are totally free and just to entertain myself.

tommy´s portfolio | hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and others are totally free and just to entertain myself.

hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and o…

Source: tommy´s portfolio | hey everyone, i am an interaction designer, freelancer, carpenter and i like it. Here are some projects i made. Some of them were made in cooperation with good friends, some are for clients and others are totally free and just to entertain myself.

米NYの展示会にみる、プッシュ通知以外の店舗向けBeacon事例 ITジャーナリスト・鈴木淳也 | BeaconLabo


米NYの展示会にみる、プッシュ通知以外の店舗向けBeacon事例 ITジャーナリスト・鈴木淳也 | BeaconLabo

世界最大規模のBeacon技術を使ったフェスティバル「SXSW」 | ITジャーナリスト・鈴木淳也 | BeaconLabo

街全体をイベント会場に使うという性質上、目的地を探し出す地図機能も備えている。ユーザーがアプリで地図を開いたり、イベント検索を行うと、現在近隣で行われているショウや講演がユーザーの登録した属性や興味に応じて地図上に一覧表示され(「Attendee Matching」)、目的地までの経路を調べられるという寸法だ。またソーシャル機能も充実しており、フレンド登録したユーザーらが現在のどの場所におり、未登録のユーザーであっても自分の周辺に誰がいるのかを知ることができる(「Who’s Here」)。

世界最大規模のBeacon技術を使ったフェスティバル「SXSW」 | ITジャーナリスト・鈴木淳也 | BeaconLabo